The Marion Co. Fair RV Park is located at 700 Fairgrounds Road, Lebanon, KY. We opened this facility in the spring of 2017 with 10 spots that have electric, water and sewer hookups. Now there are 20 spots available. Also on the fairground we have horse barns with stalls for rent, harness training track, and walking and western horse rings.
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NOTICE: NON PAYMENT OF RENT MORE THAN 14 DAYS FROM DUE DATE. CAMPER WILL BE IMPOUNDED AT OWNERS EXPENSE AND HELD UNTIL PAYMENT IN FULL IS RECEIVED. Marion County Fair RV Park will not be held responsible for any damage incurred during the move or during the time it is in impound.
Floral Hall Rules
These rules are applicable to Floral Hall reservations: 1. After your event, the building needs to be thoroughly cleaned and floors swept and/or mopped after your event. You must provide garbage bags, toilet paper, paper towels, hand soap and your own cleaning supplies for your event. 2. All garbage needs to be taken out of the building after the event. There is no garbage pickup at this building, so take it with you or take to a dumpster. 3. Make sure there is no garbage outside the building and in the parking lot. 4. You cannot charge admission to your event unless you get permission from the fair board. 5. Any damage to walls, floors, ceiling doors, etc. will be reason to forfeiture of your deposit. 6. Tables and chairs are NOT to be taken from this building. They are inventoried and if items are missing, your deposit will not be returned. 7. Nothing (absolutely nothing) will be taped, tacked or stapled or glued to the walls, ceiling, floor or doors. 8. When you leave the building, please turn thermostats in the large meeting room and in the hall way to 72 degrees for the summer months and to 55 degrees in the winter months. Leave the restrooms doors open. 9. There is to be no alcohol in the Floral Hall Building or on the premises. 10. There is to be no smoking in the Floral Hall Building. 11. If using the kitchen, please be sure the appliances are cleaned and be sure that nothing is left in the oven or fridge or in the cabinets that you brought. 12. You must vacate and have the building cleaned by midnight (12:00) of the day/night of your event unless you get permission from the Fair Board. If there are reports from the local sheriff’s office that they were called during our event or any reason, you will not receive your deposit back. 13. All doors must be locked after you vacate the building and the key must be turned back into the Extension office the next business day.
Failure to Abide Rules
We reserve the right to discharge any person(s) for failure to abide our rules without a refund.
Speed Limit
Speed Limit is 10 MPH at all times and all areas. No exceptions!
Quiet Hours
Begin at 11:00 PM until 8:00 AM and is strictly enforced. Please be considerate of your camping neighbor.
Your invites are your responsibility. We reserve the right to limit visitors.
1 RV (camper) and 2 vehicles per site. Overflow parking available in the lot at the park entrance. We encourage campers to keep vehicles parked at their sites and walk to the activities and buildings in the park.
Campers are responsible for the actions, safety, and whereabouts of their children at all times. Children under 16 must be on their site by 10:00 PM unless accompanied by an adult.
Pets are allowed and must be kept on a leash at all times. You are responsible for cleaning up after your pets. We reserve the right to limit the number of pets per site.
For your convenience, garbage dumpsters are located at the fairgrounds. Please place all your everyday trash in the dumpsters. No lawn chairs, televisions, rugs, grills, microwaves, leaves or branches.
Fires must be in fire rings and not left unattended. Burn combustibles only. No cans, glass, foil, or garbage. Contain your fire within fire ring. Fire must be out when leaving your site or retiring for the evening.
Weather Info
Lebanon is located in Marion County, KY. Weather broadcasts for this area can be found on the social Media and radio stations. WOKH 102.7 , 99.9 The Big Dawg.
Intoxication, profanity, vandalism, or disorderly behavior will not be tolerated. Alcohol is not permitted off your site. Site is to be left clean when checking out.
Must stay on roadways and adhere to speed limit. No bicycle riding after dusk. All bicycles must be on site at dusk. Helmets are required by law.
KY law requires the use of a sewer ring or other means to prevent sewer gases from escaping into the air.
Injury and Theft
The management is not responsible for damage, injury, loss by accident, fire, theft, to either property or person of any camper or guest. You enter and stay on the property at your own risk.
No washing of RV’s or cars. No scooters, mini or motorbikes, ATV’s or golf carts, skateboarding or roller skating. No use of fireworks or power tools. No firearms or weapons. No washing of dishes or clothes in bathroom sinks. No major vehicle repairs, oil changes or lubing. Motorcycles are to be used for in and out travel only.
Turn off all outside lights before retiring or midnight at the least. Bright lights out by 10:00 PM.